Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Dispelling the Myths Ovulation

Many women who’ve spent months trying to conceive have succeeded once they’ve ascertained when they ovulate. So read on and discover the magical inner workings of your body, and good luck from all of us here at Huggies!

First of all, only you can tell when you’re ovulating – provided you recognise the ovulation symptoms to look for during your menstrual cycle. So here we’ll tell you the symptoms of ovulation, clarify the mysteries of ovulation pain and more.

Knowing your time of ovulation helps improve your chances of conceiving a baby, because to get pregnant you should have sex during the period spanning one to two days before ovulation to about 24 hours after ovulation. The reason being that sperm can survive up to 3 days but your egg survives for just 12 – 24 hours after ovulation.

Have you thought of a name for you future baby boy or girl. At

When does ovulation occur during the menstrual cycle?

Contrary to popular myth, many women don’t ovulate on the 14th day of their cycle. Time of ovulation is different from woman to woman, and from month to month. If you have a 28 to 32 day menstrual cycle, ovulation can occur between days 11 through to 21.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the fertile time of your menstrual cycle. It’s when a mature egg (sometimes there’s more than one) is released from your ovary, is carried down the fallopian tube, and is available to be fertilised by a sperm. Which ovary releases the egg is anyone’s guess – they don’t necessarily take orders.

Here are some interesting facts about ovulation:

• Time of ovulation can be affected by stress, illness or disruption of normal behaviour

• Implantation of a fertilised egg normally takes place 6 – 12 days after ovulation

• A woman is born with her lifetime allocation of millions of immature eggs that are waiting for ovulation to begin

• A menstrual period may take place even if ovulation hasn’t happened

• Ovulation can occur even if there’s been no menstruation

• Some women feel ovulation soreness or ache near the ovaries

• Some women have been known to ovulate through their period and at other odd times

Ovulation symptoms

You’ll be astonished by the signs and signals your body gives out during your cycle. Some you probably noticed already but you may not have thought they were symptoms of ovulation. Find out what to look for in the way of ovulation symptoms – including a rise in body temperature and, for some women, a boost in sexual desire.

Ovulation pain

Is that little ache in your tummy a bout of indigestion or a sign that a ripe egg has just burst forth and is now on the hunt for a sperm? Some women experience ovulation pain close to their ovaries every month or just occasionally. Find out if you’re one of them.

Ovulation tests

Ovulation tests from the chemist are a great way to identify the days in your cycle when you’re ovulating. These tests can be a really good choice as they are generally pretty accurate.

After ovulation

Two things can happen after ovulation: either the egg is fertilised and you’re in the very early stages of pregnancy, or conception didn’t take place this cycle and the unfertilised egg will be absorbed into the uterine lining and shed in your next menstrual period.

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Threatening danger behind the rights High '

The reasons are a good model or plan, people choose shoes that are uncomfortable to wear. Consequently, various problems have arisen in the legs. Although comfortable and healthy environment is an important factor in the choice of footwear.

cantilever legs is an important organ of its existence. Therefore, the choice of footwear should also be made in a timely and comfortable to wear on your feet. This is justified by Dr H Triangto SPRM Milby, specialists in rehabilitation medicine. He said essentially the function of shoes is a pillar of the organization. So, what is important is a comfortable and healthy.

Physicians practicing family medicine Kelapa Gading Hospital Partners, Jakarta, said that generally women most at risk of health problems in the legs. The reason, she liked to use shoes with high heels, shoes with soles being too flat. High heels are inviting a lot of risks, what risks can be caused by wearing flat-soled shoes?

According Milby, the most appropriate step in choosing a flat-soled shoe is to choose a shoe whose front is not flat at all or have the soles of one to three inches in height. Thus, the user would be comfortable when you use these shoes for walking. If the use of shoes without soles teplek high as already mentioned, and later, where the old, the carrier may have arthritis. Could also be an inflammation of the hip, "said Milby.

For shoes, Milby recommend choosing a lightweight because it affects energy expenditure, tender inside, do not change the anatomy of your foot, the base does not slip, especially when high heels, 3-5 cm high and maximum fees.

If that is the risk estimated for wearing flat-soled shoes, high heels, actually have a longer list of potential health problems. Ranging from mild to severe. How not to be forced to walk in an abnormal situation in a long time. minor ailments that can be supported, for example, it raised some health problems in the legs. Call the layers of thickened or callous skin that is common to tip-toes.

Do not stop there, swollen legs can cause other problems. Such as arthritis, sprains, pains, stiffness in the joints, bones, weight issues are centered at the foot of the heel, and the stress on the feet. "And worse, high heels can also cause injury to the leg muscles, joint pain in the rear, varicose veins, twisted spine, pain in the foot bone, to more complex problems such as the osteoporosis, "said Milby.

Varicose veins are a disease suffered by Yuni Widiasari when he was out of college. This 27 year old woman suffered from varicose veins since worked on public relations staff in a five star. Because of this disease, Yuni often experience tingling and pain in the thigh and calf, not to mention the veins in the calf and looks more and more green when you are tense. "Yeah, but what I could do was work demands," he said. In addition to varicose veins, other illnesses commonly suffered by women fans of high heels is known as hallux valgus. This disease represents a change in the structure of your foot where the bones of the toes deviated outwards and can cause infection. Solution recovery from surgery.

Studies on the dangers of the use of high heels to health have been conducted by several experts. One was conducted by Dr. Casey Kerrigan professor of medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Virginia, USA. Results of research conducted, high heels can cause disease risk than those mentioned, the use of high heels also cause women to suffer knee pain than twice as many men.

Research by Dr. Casey said, using needles causing pressure on the knee and hip increased by 25 percent each time step, as cited by webmd.com. In addition to being a factor of shoes, another factor is the cause of foot problems of aging.

Milby said, increasing age and the legs become broader and more. foot pads in heel and toes would be clarified. For years we used to walk with a natural position. The effect will be to strengthen the legs, and ankles. However, when a woman wearing high heels with a height of 5 cm or more, his legs no longer bear the weight evenly and it will be difficult to maintain balance.

It is normal to wear high heels, provided they follow the suggested recommendations. Call for help in high heels just for a specific event. This is to avoid the risk of health problems due to use everyday. "If the office must use this shoe, try not to use more than two hours. If you are sitting next to his shoes," Beber Milby. You can also wear comfortable shoes as normal shoes or Keds and to the office. Once in office, the use of high heels.

Milby also suggested limiting the height right, ie not more than 3 cm for everyday use. This allows a high right ankle a bit and loosen the Achilles tendon, so that when walking is not hard tug on the leg veins

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

How to Help a Family Member Cope with Drug Addiction

Drug addiction has become a much venerated topic among families. This heartless enemy does not discriminate. Any family can become a victim of drug addiction at any time. Having discovered that a member of your family has a problem with drug addiction how do you help them cope with it?

What does it mean to cope with a drug addiction? Coping with, or attempting to manage an addiction is without a doubt a very difficult undertaking. In fact, it was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done, and after reading this article I am sure you will agree that there is but one way to cope with drug addiction, and that is to turn away from it because drug addiction is unmanageable.

Addiction makes a complete slave of an individual because the addicted person is no longer in control of anything they say, do, feel or think. Anyone who has ever had a serious addiction to a drug will tell you that during their addiction they lost control of the things that made life enjoyable, and they did not regain that control until they had walked away from the drug. Easier to say than it is to do, the difficulty is in turning away.

During my twelve year crack cocaine addiction I seriously tried everything within my power to manage it, which included advice from friends, family, and others who were coping with some type of addiction but nothing worked for me. If there is such a thing a 101 ways to manage your addiction, then I have tried them all.

If you have a family member who is addicted to some type of substance I hope you will find these tips quite useful.

Deal with yourself first

The shock of being made aware that there’s a drug addict in your family will cause the addiction to immediately begin working at destroying the family bond, beginning with you. You will be in no position to help that family member until you can help yourself to get past the initial shock of their addiction.

I remember how surprised my family was when they found out that I was addicted to crack. They were so shocked, in a way they alienated themselves from me. Although I was aware that they knew about my addiction, I guess they were just too shocked to approach me.

How you deal with your own emotions will directly affect how you approach that addicted family member, so the first thing you need to do is “get over it”. You may not like the fact that your husband is addicted, but it is what it is. Now that you see the situation for what it is, move quickly to the next step.

Find middle ground

Addiction has nothing in common with family. The two are at opposite ends of the field. Finding a place of commonality is the only way to insure that you will be able to communicate with an addict, so do not waste time finding it. Begin looking for something – anything that you might have in common with the addicted person and use it as a tool to win back their affection. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become.

Re-establishing a bond is the only way to bridge the void between understanding and addiction. A good place to start is by being sensitive to the strange behavior of the addicted family member. You must realize that they are not the same person you once knew because they have undergone chemical changes in their mind and body.

For me, the more crack I smoked the less time I wanted to spend with my family. The drug dominated me so much until nothing else mattered. Without really being aware, I built a wall that nobody could penetrate.

The one thing that irritated me more than anything was to be constantly scolded and ridiculed because of my drug use. I knew I needed help, but the more I was told that I was a drug addict, the more I distanced myself. So whatever you do be sensitive and don’t scold.

Stop enabling

No doubt you have heard of “tough love”. The best way to describe tough love is love that will not be compromised, nor be taken advantage of. After you’ve gotten over the initial shock that you have a drug addict in the family, you should immediately start to exhibit tough love.

If you know that your daughter Megan has a problem with drugs you should stop giving her money. Although it hurts you to see Megan without money, if you continue as her banker it will only enable her to continue in her addictive behavior.

Seek professional help

Drug addicts have a unique way of making family and friends feel guilty when they are the ones who should be experiencing guilt. An addict will do anything to continue using the substance of their addiction.

Do whatever you have to do to get that family member to agree to seek the help of a professional. You cannot force the decision upon them; they must make that decision on their own.

Usually an addict will not surrender until they have exhausted every available option that would allow them to continue using the substance of their abuse. It is called “hitting rock bottom”. Such a decision often comes after a long hard bout with addiction, health issues, starvation, and living arrangements.

Be supportive

Once that addicted family member has decided to seek help, do not hesitate to follow through with them on their decision. Addicts have been known to change their mind about seeking professional help within an hour of making the promise.

At this point it is important that you be supportive of their actions because they are very vulnerable. Like little children, they are frightened and at the same time they look forward to experiencing freedom from the awful burden of drug addiction.

It took eleven years for me to make the decision to seek professional help and another year of up and down drugging before I finally gained my freedom. Had the above mentioned elements not been present in my life I believe I would have been lost in the sea of drug addiction where misery never ends.

Just so that you understand that every battle fought against addiction is unique and you should always remember that addiction attacks different people in different ways. I encourage you to never give up on that beloved family member because if you are persistent you can win. You can only lose if you quit fighting.

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Natural Skin Care Anti-Wrinkle

Do you realize that a superior quality anti-wrinkle healthy skin care system would certainly contain some specific creams produced using all natural ingredients? Natural elements tend to be a lot more helpful for treating your skin than artificial elements, mainly because various non-chemical ingredients contain properties that make these products acting just like oil produced by oil glands.

Even though there are hundreds of different anti-wrinkle products available in your local pharmacy or spa only a few of them seem to be designed with specific elements that aren't just 100 % risk-free but extremely efficient as well. We need to have a regular natural skin care program.. Being the supreme defender for your body, sheltering our internal parts from all the damage that may happen from external influences, the skin must be cured adequately.

The body is dependent on the foods you eat to get vitamins and nutrients. When you do not have an effective healthy eating plan your skin might be affected because of it. The Skin will likely indicate signs of ageing such as wrinkles, lines, not to mention sagging due to the poisons in the natural environment. An additional essential thing to accomplish would be to defend yourself from the sunshine. Sunlight harm can be the reason for plenty of complications down the road.

Sleep is helpful for the body and for the skin in most aspects. The body produces melatonin when you sleep that is said to be an anti-aging hormone. Whilst in the deep sleep phase, your body generates a growth hormone, which will help repairing destroyed tissue. A good night’s sleep minimizes emotional tension which has a beneficial impact on the skin. Stress will cause your skin to wrinkle, loose its collagen and elasticity levels more rapidly, and produces cortisol (and this is a stress hormone) and harmful neurotransmitters. You may have perhaps observed many people age well before their time and also have irreversible frown lines on their foreheads, as a result of tension.

Physical and mental stress that steadily move with years, raise the secretion of free radicals in the organism causing signs of aging and slowing down the cell restoration. While aging, the skin starts to lose its moisture and flexibility, thereby anti-aging skin care need to mainly get used. Through the frequent implementation of anti-wrinkle skin care, signs of aging could be combated and also delayed. Just before it will become too late, anti-aging skin treatment actions have to be integrated into a skincare regimen in order not to have this battle against lines and wrinkles and also skin sagging tough later on. The earlier and the longer the particular anti-wrinkle skin care therapy is used, the more efficient it gets since it can be unlikely to imagine severe results from an anti-aging skin care treatment.

As we age, seems like all we have to do is just continue bringing on to our currently present frequent cleansing program. If you constantly ensure to make additional precautions regarding sunlight screen along with moisturizing you certainly will age gracefully. Getting older doesn't need to be a scary practice using the proper facial cleansers, moisturizers, together with creams as part of your tool bag of skin care. Believe me if you take care of your skin, it should always and forever pay attention to you.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010


Your wedding day will be irreplaceable so always remember to choose wedding lingerie that will make your day extra special. Ordinarily, shopping for lingerie is not easy, but now you have to purchase garments that will not only make you look great on your wedding day but that fit well underneath your wedding gown. These articles of clothing may seem like a small detail, but they should not be overlooked. If you’re not quite sure where to begin your search then the best place to look for wedding lingerie is online.

Finding Lingerie at a Great Price

Weddings can be very expensive so you will most likely be cutting back on anything that does not seem to be important. Your wedding lingerie is most definitely worth the money. However, it does not mean that you have to pay hundreds of dollars more on top of the hundreds or thousands of dollars you are already spending on your dress. By making your purchases online, you will find the best wedding lingerie at excellent prices. You can even compare selections - this tool allows you to place the items you like in your shopping cart and compare them when you are ready. You will see which styles and colours you like more, which garments will flatter your body better in your wedding dress and which garments are in your price range. Not to mention, it is much easier to find sales and discounts on wedding lingerie online than in a store.

Choosing the Best Coloured Lingerie

The colour of your garments is extremely important. Not all wedding dresses are snow white. By purchasing your wedding lingerie online, you will notice that you will have a much wider colour selection. You can choose shades of ivory, white or nude in different styles such as shiny or ultra sheer. These garments should make you like sexy and elegant on your wedding day while also maintaining comfort.

Looking Great in Your Lingerie

Remember, the same lingerie that you use under your wedding dress, may be the same lingerie that you use on your wedding night so there is a dual purpose. To make your lingerie look appropriate during the day and sexy at night, you should invest in stockings with a wide lace top. No one will ever see the lace except your husband, while the lower part of the stocking will match with your dress. In case you have not lost all the weight you were hoping to, there are many lingerie pieces that will make you appear slimmer and trimmer.

Be wise when you make your selection in wedding lingerie and always shop around. This is an important day for you so always remember to bring along an extra pair of stockings just in case you get a run in them!

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

How To Make Nice Sex For Men

ENJOY sex sessions every day, of course, can your partner and you get bored, especially if the flow of "game" has no sensation. This is the challenge you have faced the search for immediate solutions.

Discover how the spontaneity that can save your life and sexual partners, including AskMen discussed, including:

No need to plan cul

Perhaps some of you are still a lot who like updated plan for sex with your partner, but in fact it is not necessary. You simply enjoy intimate moments with the spontaneous with your partner.

Bayer, a chemical and pharmaceutical companies doing research several years ago found that men want the same things the same way as the weaker sex session sex took place. Namely, good communication with their partners, giving the couple surprises, and be more spontaneous to enjoy an intimate relationship.

In addition, another study conducted in Australia reported that 75 percent of the 800 male residents argued Autralia, spontaneity as an important component of intimate relationships. So before you start planning time and the most appropriate place to enjoy sex dating, think again. Making love in a manner intended to provide enormous pleasure spontaneously.

Surprise couple

A surprise was a special gift to sexual activity. If you want to surprise your partner, you can start by going to work with a partner to bring lunch. Then you and your partner can enjoy fucking in the afternoon in his office.

Making love in public places

You may break the law for "ugly" with the couple. However, if careful, of course, you and your partner will experience unforgettable.

After enjoying dinner with your partner, try to stop at a place on the way home. You can enjoy the love session in the car when you pulled the car onto the sidewalk.

Another example, you can enjoy the session to make love in the studio theater. It's easy, with a partner, you can buy a movie ticket and watch a movie that is less attractive on a weekday, so not many people who watched the film. Make sure you and your partner just inside the cinema, and use every moment to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Couples invited to enjoy the session, making love at midnight

Try to awaken the couple with a mortal draw you into the middle of the night. It is mandatory to start the women, because men tend to love the surprise of the couple. But if the couple protested because he was tired at work, do not be disappointed. You can wake up in the morning or an hour before the couple got up as usual. Wild kiss from your spouse may be able to wake up and immediately enjoy the sex scene is different from usual.